a blog dedicated as a dump place for my crazy thoughts, inner feelings, babbling and nonsense. In other word, my secret garden.. :)

A place where I can live, breathe, talk and see

Your Daily Coffee Guide

Saturday, August 22, 2009 by kivaa

Ever wonder how to actually understand the sophisticated coffee titles in your favourite coffee house's menu? Well worry not.
Here we have a very good graphic explanation on what's in each of your cup of coffee you ordered. ;)


via http://blog.nest-living.com

Filed under , having

1 things others'd say:

M. Lim said...

I only go to Starbuck for the hot greentea latte. J.Co has the best Macchiato, although they always seem reluctant to serve me my double macchiato (stressing that it might be too strong for me and not as much as cappucino heh).
