a blog dedicated as a dump place for my crazy thoughts, inner feelings, babbling and nonsense. In other word, my secret garden.. :)

A place where I can live, breathe, talk and see

menjelang lebaran dan akhir tahun...

Tuesday, October 25, 2005 by kivaa

menjelang lebaran dan akhir taun.. dengan kondisi neraca keuangan yang tambal sulam.. hikss.. impian-impian yang belum terwujudkan, kewajiban-kewajiban yang belum dilakukan.. rasanya tahun ini tidak bisa dibilang bagus.. :(

it's not a bad year, at least i've a job, but i'm not doing things that i'm supposed to be doing this year.. :((

like, getting new boyfriend and start an international career.. jeezz....

anyway, for next year i've promised myself. i HAVE to start writing and finished it!! next year, i'll be like andrea or ncha.

h o p e f u l l y . . .


Monday, October 10, 2005 by kivaa

The base for LDR to work is trust and understanding.

It is very important for both parties not too demand anything too much.
LDR works best when each parties are independent people.
So they both still have their own lives and circle of friends while maintaining a loving relationship.
It seems hard at first, apalagi klo masing2 punya tingkat ketergantungan yang tinggi terhadap satu sama lain. Mereka harus merubah kebiasaans2 waktu mereka masih bareng2 dulu, mencoba beradaptasi.

Or they won’t survive. It’s just Nature’s Law.

Now me and him has gone through LDR for a year. It’s a little wobbly at start but we can make it now. We’ve grown quite a lot of trust and understanding for each other.
And that God we’re doing pretty well.

Yeah I think LDR works pretty well on us. Partly because we’re not yet close and dependant to each other at start.

Another important thing is to have the best qualities out of your short time together. Physical and emotional closeness must be encouraged.

When I say physical, it doesn’t have to be sexual. Just use your imagination.. ;P
And don’t be shy to show your love and
affection for each other. Let him/her know how much you really care..


by kivaa

Pernah ngga ngerasain kekosongan jiwa?
Pernah ngga berada di titik dimana kamu sudah punya segala sesuatu untuk disyukuri tapi tetep aja nggak bahagia..?
Seperti ada bagian dari jiwa kita yang hilang..

Well I have.

Terasa sejak pertama kali pindah ke Jakarta.
I thought it’ll pass, but it gets worse instead. Jeez..
There’s something missing in Jakarta.
The infamous city for its merciless nature; the weird habits and the wannabees ..
Really it’s not a friendly place to live..
And if you really can find your little piece of heaven here then, well, consider yourself lucky.
