a blog dedicated as a dump place for my crazy thoughts, inner feelings, babbling and nonsense. In other word, my secret garden.. :)

A place where I can live, breathe, talk and see

Sumur Resapan

Saturday, January 12, 2008 by kivaa

Pardon me for not being able to spot this image up to 10 months after the biggest flood in Jakarta.. I'm trying to, with my limited resorces, but I've tried.

And this is the very first publication of the sumur resapan diagrams I've ever seen.

We should have this picture socialized to the whole community months ago!! This image is do damn important, I wonder why people doesn't even care to apply this simple technique to make our world, our city, a better place.

It's the very least thing we can do...

2 things others'd say:

cselvalva said...

Peh, aku copy gambarnya & aku post di fb & blog aku yah, ataw aku link postingmu ini boleh ya


kivaa said...

wah, nemu aja mal, posting yg sudah terkubur :P :D iya yg mana aja gpp. :P
