a blog dedicated as a dump place for my crazy thoughts, inner feelings, babbling and nonsense. In other word, my secret garden.. :)

A place where I can live, breathe, talk and see

Brownie the Kitty

Sunday, May 28, 2017 by kivaa

I found Brownie through a pet adoption thread in Kaskus (www.kaskus.com)

I plan to move to a new house and I wanted to have a pet cat. So I browse through the adoption sites/ ads through the internet.

I have always wanted to have a black cat, and the first time I saw his photo posted (10 minutes after his owner post his picture) I KNOW this is the cat that I must have!

So I message the Owner and "book" him -- without telling my husband -- and agree to pick him up in the next month. That is around mid of June 2016. Hopefully my house is done by then. But it's not ..

I kept on finding excuses to stall  until I finally pick him up from the Owner's place in October 2016.

Little does the old Owner know that I only bring him to the pet hotel .. because my house is nowhere near completion and I have no definite date on when to move to the new house .. So Brownie stayed there almost 3 months .. Within the 3 months I have some thoughts like should I give him away? Because the poor thing is scared and every photo I receive from the pet hotel owner shows this ringworm patches on his body ..

I finally, FINALLY, bring Brownie into my home end December 2016

Back then he was a little scaredy cat, with patches of ringworms, hides in the corner of the Kitchen for almost 1 month! My husband almost lost his patience on Brownie because he's "not like any other cat", my husband says.

Now, 6 months later, Brownie grew bigger, his fur coat more luxurious, no more ringworms, always playful and almost as affectionate and needy as a dog! :)

I'm glad I took the chance with Brownie. It's love at first sight and I feel happy with the decision I make. One of my best decisions!! :)

Filed under having 0 things others'd say
Thursday, May 19, 2016 by kivaa

Heyy Ladieesss!! :)

 Setelah sudah banyak membaca dan mendengar testimoni teman- teman dan online beauty reviewer mengenai produk SK-II, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk memuaskan rasa penasaran dengan membeli paket SK-II BESTSELLER TRIAL KIT di Duty Free Changi Airport.

Yeayyy !! :)

Isi BESTSELLER Trial Kit tersebut adalah :

75ml FTE (Facial Treatment Essence) Holy Grail MUST HAVE all time favourite! Isi kandungan PITERA essence ini paling banyak dibanding dengan item yang lain, Karena sampai 90%. Jadi buat first timer SK-II user, yang cuma mau beli 1 produk, sangat disarankan memakai FTE ini ..

 20ml Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser, 
Ini juga salah satu produk SK-II yang bikin saya penasaran. Ada temen saya yang fans berat Cleanser ini, dan karena di starter kit sudah termasuk maka saya makin semangat belinya hehe ..

 20ml RNA Power Cream, 
Ini salah satu produk terbaru SK II, dan kata Mba Sales Assistant nya, paket Bestseller ini worth it banget karena klo beli RNA Power Cream terpisah jauh lbh mahal.

Anyway, RNA adalah singkatan dari Radical New Age, salah satu produk Anti Aging dengan teknologi terbaru yang di claim bisa menghilangkan tanda- tanda penuaan dalam waktu 10 hari.


 SK-II Facial Treatment Mask
Ini salah satu produk yang termahal menurut saya, Karena cuma ada 1 piece, dan hanya bisa dipakai 1 kali (d'uh..). Ada beberapa beauty blogger yang memakainya beberapa kali tapi saya agak ngeri ya ..
Persis banget ini foto paket yang saya beli .. :)


 Harganya SGD 99, dan dengan pemakaian standard saya, paket ini sudah saya pakai 3 bulan dan botol FTE masih ada isi 40%. Gentle cleanser masih saya pake 2x sehari (belum habis, padahal cuma 20ml ahahaha hemat bgt deh saya :D), RNA Power Cream juga masih 1/3 pot.

Jadi klo perhitungan kira-kira habis dalam waktu 5 bulan, maka per bulan saya habis 200 ribu rupiah untuk perawatan wajah. Kalau di bandingkan dengan perawatan Dokter kulit, tentu jauh lah yaa .. Ini juga salah satu faktor kenapa saya mau coba SK-II, disamping juga faktor “kepo”.

Believe it or not, in my experience, a couple of girl friends surely will RAVES about their Holy Grail FTE. :)


Umur saya 36 tahun ← ini big problem bangett hehe ..

Tadinya wajah saya kusam, banyak bintik-bintik merah, kulit wajah ngga rata (ngga mulus), pori-pori besar, komedoan, kulit di beberapa area cenderung kering dan flaky .. Wah banyak banget masalahnya, sudah bikin frustasi banget karena saya hampir setiap kali dipanggil ibu (bukan mba atau neng, gitu .. ;) maunya .. ).

Panggilan "Ibu" → bukti penuaan :((

Dan believe it or not, karena malas ( ^^ ) saya TIDAK PERNAH membersihkan wajah meskipun saya rajin pakai cc cream dan make up tipis di wajah . Seperti yang sudah bisa diduga, itulah akar masalahnya! Begitu saya pakai Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser rutin 2x sehari, komedo langsung minggat hehehe. So ladies, jangan pernah lupa membersihkan wajah dan cuci muka pakai Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser ya!


 Jadi urutan ritualnya adalah :

1. Bersihkan muka ;
2. Cuci muka pakai Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser biar cling!;
3. Pakai FTE.
Saya tidak pakai kapas, langsung dituang sedikit ke kulit dan ditepuk-tepuk lembut biar menyerap ke dalam kulit dengan sempurna.

Tips Penting : FTE bisa diletakkan di botol spray sehingga bisa dipakai kapan saja, bahkan diatas make up. Dan bagian paling kerennya adalah, ZERO WASTE! :)

4. Pakai RNA Power Cream, tipis- tipis aja dengan gerakan memutar, dan ditepuk-tepuk lagi biar menyerap sempurna;

5. Dilanjutkan dengan rangkaian kosmetik lainnya (pagi hari) atau TIDUR! (klo malam)

Sisa- sisa pemakaian.. 


Sekarang genap 3 bulan saya memakai set ini, alhamdulillah ngga ada masalah, ngga ada purging yang suka dibilang orang-orang dan ehem ehem ..

Kulit lebih lembab, komedo minggat (ini perubahan yg paling signifikan!), dan secara keseluruhan jadi GLOWING .. !!!! ^^

 Dulu saya jarang pakai bedak, cuma pake face oil dan cc cream aja karena butiran bedak itu meng-aksentuasi komedo2 dimuka :(( tapi sekarang bisa pakai bedaakk, dan face oil juga sudah berhenti digantikan FTE dan RNA cream hehehe.

75ml FTE (Facial Treatment Essence) 
Waktu awal pakai ini kulit terasa prickly, atau clekit-clekit bahasa jawanya .. Sempet saya tanya ke temen yang Dokter kulit, katanya gpp, karena FTE ini ada sedikit sifat acidic.


Selama pemakaian memang kulit terasa lebih terhidrasi dengan baik, ngga kering.

 20ml Facial Treatment Gentle Cleanser, 
Saya suka cleanser ini!!

Yang paling terasa bedanya dengan produk lain yang saya beli, Setelah cuci muka pake Cleanser ini, kulit saya terasa lembab, bersih dan lembuuutt.. Sama sekali ngga kering dan terasa seperti ketarik (klo pake produk yang dulu suka saya beli).

Setelah ini saya rencana mau beli Clarisonic, dan pake Facial Treatment Cleanser ini. Pasti hasilnya makin okehh! :)

 20ml RNA Power Cream, 
Okayy jadi di claim produk bisa menghilangkan tanda- tanda penuaan dalam waktu 10 hari.

Yang saya alami, PORI-PORI SAYA MENGECIIILL!!! Oomg .. Dan ini saya baru perhatikan sih memang .. Setelah 3 bulan *ehm. Maap jarang ngaca ..

Pori-pori mengecil, tapi di beberapa area aja dan ngga hilang seluruhnya. Tapi ini progress yang baik buat saya, mengingat sudah lama bangeeet saya hidup dengan pori-pori kulit jeruk .. :(

 SK-II Facial Treatment Mask
Masker ini cuma ada 1, dan juga kandungan piteranya tinggi sekali, makanya saya pake buat persiapan event khusus misalkan kawinan temen, atau meeting penting ..

Setelah pakai masker ini 20 menit, karena sayang maka saya bawa ke leher dan kompress leher juga selama 20 menit hehe *ogah rugi.

Masih banyak sisa cairan di wadah maskernya dan sudah saya pake untuk "masker" setiap 2 minggu sekali, and it works like magic!

Setelah pakai masker ini, kulit saya terasa lembut dan mulus untuk 2 hari, dan pengaplikasian make up juga lebih mudah dan awet..


Seperti bikin skripsi yah hahaha .. So far, rave yang beredar menang bukan HOAX karena terbukti. Dan soal mitos “mahal”, again, NOT AT ALL.



Filed under having 0 things others'd say

The Organized Chaos Called Power Aerobic

Friday, April 20, 2012 by kivaa

Imagine an aerobic class in a gym. It is called Power Aerobic.

The instructor is male-- quite short even for Indonesian, dark olive skin with glistening sweat on a toned muscled body with blonde dyed curly hair on his head. Very high spirited, I can tell you that. And has an endless compilation of sexy perky moves.

The music is damn loud. You can even feel the beat pumps your blood. It goes through your feet, your vein, your head and through the heart. The perky instructor keeps on moving rapidly while shouting wildly like a headless chicken.

In the front row, stands the steady follower of this aerobic guru. They are very perky and high spirited as well. And knew all the moves by heart and sometimes they are shouting also.

In the middle row are the people with enough energy and spirit to do the exercise, but a bit lost about the moves. And they stuck there with nowhere to go. It's not a good position because once the group is getting hot and wild, you must really be watch your step. If not, you might get smacked by the person standing next to you.

On the back row are the guys. One angmoh guy and this chinese middle aged guy. As expected, they are absolutely clueless about the moves but keep on grinning the whole time like mad.

On the far side, near the exit, is me and some other latecomers who are interested in joining the commotion and want to know what is it all about. But also needed a quick exit just in case things are going a bit uncomfortable for us. Or its just my feeling. :)

Anyway, this is my first time trying the class.

The moves are difficult for me to follow, but the music keeps on pumping my blood and the shouting-- I must shamefully admit, it gets me excited as well. So I just keep on moving. I just want to move because the beat gets into my blood and I don't care about the instructor's.

And I can see that's what's most class member are thinking also. We are jumping, moving left and right and front and back, twirling and jumping back and forth again; put our hands up the air, to the right, to the left, swirl some more, move our hands like mad.

We just want to move and that's it.

In the room now looks like some kind of synchronized dance madness happening.

And seeing this madness makes me want to laugh. The faster the music, the louder the screaming, the more asynchronous we've become. It's chaotic but at least most of us won't give up and still try to keep up with the instructor's steps, though still failing horribly..

Anyway, it's a great fun. I don't feel tired at all. It's just later when I sat down, I feel my sweat dripping. And today, I feel my body is aching everywhere. But then I think I will do it again next week. :)

Stay healthy people !!

Filed under having 0 things others'd say

Days in Jakarta & List of Things To Do Before I Die

Saturday, March 31, 2012 by kivaa

3 months in Jakarta, still haven't got the perfect rithym and order in my life just yet, but I think things are looking good.

For one, I exercise regularly now. Which is something that I've been wanting to do since a long time ago. And Carrefour is just 150 meter away which is a great thing ^^ and I learn how to cook which will reduce our food expenses, so its a double HOORAY!! And I shop less!! Which is damn AWESOMEE!! Although the temptation of online shopping is very hard to resist..

So overall, my days in Jakarta has been well spent. ^^ But I still think that I need to increase its quality..

Anyway, yesterday I started watching this Korean Drama called Scent of a Woman. It's about a girl who suddenly diagnosed with cancer and only have 6 months to live. And the thought of having only 6 months to live really change her. And I thought of my own life and started thinking, what if I only have 6 months to live?

So here goes my list. Not a very exciting and adventurous list, I'm afraid. But its mine ^^.

1. Read the Koran, the entire 30 chapters, even its only the Indonesian translation.

2. Read the Hadits app I just download.

3. Memorize at least 10 short surahs.

My short surahs collection is VERY small

4. Do some act of kindness at least 3 times a day to other people than my husband. Of course bcs I'm always nice to him ^^

5. Wakaf/ donate a piece of land for mosque or orphanage.

6. Umrah & travel to its surrounding countries

So those are my TOP priorities. I also have a short list of things with less priority, and here it goes :

1. Learn Mandarin.

2. Learn to make an Android App.

3. That's all I can think for now. :)

So you see, a very short and unambitious list. But if I know in advance that I will die in 6 months, those are the things that I MUST do before the day. ^^

So what's the connection between my days in Jakarta and this to do list? Well, nothing. :) I simply want to make full use of my life, be somebody and be a blessing in other people's life.

Have a great weekend people!! ^^

Favourite Quote from Mario Teguh

Sunday, October 24, 2010 by kivaa

Just browse thru FB and found this status for Mario Teguh's FB page :

Bersabarlah dan tetaplah setia
kepada yang benar.

Tuhan tak akan membiarkan
jiwa kesayangan-Nya sepertimu
...menderita lebih lama dari
kemampuanmu tuk mengatasinya.

Engkau jiwa yang baik,
yang sedang bersedih,
tetapi yang tetap setia memikirkan
hanya yang baik,
merasakan hanya yang baik,
dan melakukan hanya yang baik,
karena sadar bahwa Tuhan
selalu mengamatimu.

Apa lagikah rencana Tuhan,
selain memuliakanmu?


Be patient and stay faithful
to do the righteous things.

God will not let
His favorite soul like you
... Suffer longer than
your ability to cope.

Thou good soul,
which is sad,
but who remain faithful to think
only good things,
just a good feeling,
and do only good,
knowing that God
always watch over you.

What more in God's plan,
besides to glorify you?


Be happy people! :)

Filed under having 0 things others'd say

On Hate and Grudges

Friday, July 30, 2010 by kivaa

As usual, I went facebook-stalking, and the blog-stalking :D
Then I stumbled into this one blog belonged to this one person who clearly have a sad case of negativity and hatred.

And it's really sad. Almost pathetic.
And it makes me wonder.

Why does people likes to hold on their hatred and grudges?
Did they enjoy being imprisoned by their own creations and not being able to let go?
Does it give them some sort of satisfaction when their hate and grudge grew to be some sort of cancer in their souls?
Did they have a limitless source of energy so they can burn it all on their anger?

These are the things that I just don't understand. People gets angry. Yes. We sometimes hate also. Yes. But we're supposed to control those evil feelings and don't let them rule us.

We have to let those feelings go and don't let it stand in the way of our happiness.

By reciting those hatred, anger or disappointment, towards something/ somebody over and over again, you'll turn it into reality and makes it even worse and bigger than its actual size.

If you feed on it, it will grow and eat you alive.
Surely it's not how you want to live the days of your life?

Just give it a rest, let it go and focused on your own happiness for goodness sake! -_-'

Great Singapore Sale & Shopping High

Saturday, July 03, 2010 by kivaa

I rarely shop on clothes or electronics. I usually "splurges" on food and books. But since I have my e-book reader, it's just food and food then.

But in this so-called "Sale" season, I allow myself to splurge a bit on apparels. Starting with 1 pants, and then 1 super comfy shoes ;) and another pants (same model, different color, Geez!!). And now I'm aiming for another pants and a few basic tops. Also since last week I've been inspired to buy a small bag (Goodness me :P), and maybe a few working shirt..

I'm shamefully uncontrollable!! :(

Seems like after I allow myself to spend on one thing, it feels like I'm on a high. I'm on a huge roll and feel like I NEED to buy something else. That's why usually I avoid malls as much as I can, as I don't want to spend too much on unnecessary things and always keep my priorities on check. But I guess once I unleash the shopping devil inside of me, it will need one hell of a self restraint and discipline to put it back on leash..
